Sunday, December 27, 2009

It's Almost time for a PEACEFUL REVOLUTION!!

Post Christmas greetings to everyone, I hope you had a good one. More & more lately, it seems like the people are ready to take up arms & head for the streets. This would be the idea of last resort, and frankly, I don't think that there are enough Americans with the BALLS, much less the BRAINS to make that happen!! So, once again, I Have observed from the sidelines & come up with my own answers.

1.) JOIN A POLITICAL PARTY!! It really doesn't matter which one, most of them, the big two anyway, are pretty much the same anymore.

2.) BECOME ACTIVE IN THE PARTY THAT YOU JOIN!! many people are Republicans & Democrats 365 days a year, but they only take part on election day, at the most they MIGHT put a sign for so and so in their yard, maybe a bumper sticker on their car, they might even send a little bit of money to their favorite Candidate. But, beyond this (and cornering you at the water cooler during break time & telling you WHY YOU SHOULD VOTE FOR SO AND SO!!) they really don't do anything more than vote, then they BITCH about all of the politicians and how they're nothing more than a bunch of crooks looking out for their big money friends.
In Colorado, we have a Precinct and caucus system, this means that the ACTIVE party members get together for neighborhood caucus meetings and nominate & vote for people who will then go on to the county conventions and try to convince the people that attend these as delegates & alternates to vote for those candidates. If these candidates get enough votes then they will appear on the primary election day ballot. Whichever candidate WINS the primary (unless they ran unopposed.) then goes on to the general election to run against the other parties candidates, the overall winner obviously becomes the next elected official.
What I'm saying is this "Shut up & do something about it!!" if you're tired of the same old career politicians then get VERY active at the grass roots level, you may even decide, after a while, that you want to run for office, hell, you might even win!!
As an example, many years ago, a good friend & neighbor of mine was an active republican, I was just a voting republican at the time. He took me over to meet our party precinct captain, after that I became more active in the local party & started attending meetings whenever I heard about them. Eventually, I got to know other active members and even went to a few conventions( county, the local congressional district and even the Colorado state convention in 2004) as an alternate or a delegate. at one point some of the other regulars even talked about having me run for our state representative ( someone else decided to run,so I decided not to, they'd been alot more active for a lot more years in the party) office, did I mention that at the time I was just a delivery driver for a local car dealership? So, If YOU all get INVOLVED, we can have a peaceful Revolution and, ultimately, change America into something more, something better, for all of us, for generations to come.
See you on the beach!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yello - no posts since this?