Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Illegal Immigration Reform-part 2

In part one I discussed several ways to put an end to illegal immigration. in this part to I'll talk about amnesty eligibility and paying the costs involved.

1.) All current Illegals should come forward, register with the government and pay a registration fee. this would be applied at, oh, lets say $1000.00 for a single illegal immigrant adult and $200.00 to $500.00 per extra ( Spouse) person. This would raise about 10 to 30 ( Based on estimates ranging anywhere from 12 to 40 million Illegal Immigrants currently in the U.S.) Billion Dollars. Portions of this money would be used to Pay for Background checks on those people that pay the fee, they would be allowed to stay in the U.S. pending the outcome of their background ( Criminal, they would be required to give up DNA samples, Fingerprints, etc.., and Medical.) checks. They should also be checked out in their country of origin. Of course, all of this would require many more people at the local, state and federal level( can you say" A LOT of Jobs created?? ) to handle the checks andthe paperwork involved.

2.)No communicable diseases or Criminal (Felony ) record: If the Illegal Immigrant passes their check with a clean bill of health, then they would, at this point, be allowed to apply, while staying in the U.S., for permanent Legal ( of course they would have to pay all of the fees normally associated with doing so.) resident status. My Wife came to the U.S. Legally before I met her, after we got married we applied for Permanent resident status for her, and ultimately, she became a U.S. Citizen, all told, this took about 7 years and cost us somewhere around $10,000.
There was a hospital on Ellis Island, thousands of Immigrants from europe were detained there and eventually sent home because they had tuberculosis or some other disease. this is why we should have the medical check, The criminal check should need(remember those photos, dna samples and fingerprints mentioned earlier? ) no explanation.

These applicants would be required to give a valid address when they pay their initial fee. they would then have to check in physically on a monthly basis. while their status is determined.

3.) Paying the initial fee in installments: The applicant would have they option of paying a down payment( at least $250.00 ) of their initial fee. this would encourage them to try and become legal, of course, if they don't pay the remaider, or fail their backgroud checks, then all bets would be off and they would be detained and deported.

4.) All applicants would be required to sing up for English classes: this requirement would be waived if the applicant can demonstrate at least a 50% profficiency in reading, writing and speaking english.

5.) Eventual Citizenship: All applicants would ultimately be required to attain U.S. citizenship, they would have to do this within 5 to 7 years of obtaining resident alien status.

6.) Social security: if an applicant is successful, social security funding would start on the day that they're approved, If they have been here working for any amount of time before this (illegally) using a taxpayer I.d. # to file taxes, then any ssi deductions taken before that date would be forfeit to the government.

7.) Children of Applicants: Minors that aren't here legally would not be charged a fee, because they did not come here by choice. On their 18th birthday provided that they either graduate from High School or get a G.E.D. and have no criminal or gang record, they would then be given american citizenship, if they do not meet these requirements they would then have to pay the fee as an adult would in order to avoid deportation, they would also have to follow all other steps to eventual citizenship. This policy would start with all illegal immigrant children that are here when the law goes into effect, and end when the last children (with proof that they were all ready here when the law started!) turn 18 years old.

8.) Some exceptions: A.) Military service. If a person is absolutely unable to pay the initial fine then they may join the armed services for a term of 5 years,this is not excessive as the military all ready requires a 5 year commitment if you go to one of the service academies and get an officers commission, the applicant would receive full citizenship after they finish their term of enlistment. The French all ready offer this if you do five years in the foreign legion. Of course the applicant would still have to pass all background checks.
B.)Criminal record and a review board: If, for example, an applicant had been convicted of a felony (excluding manslaughter, murder, rape or pedophilia ) many years before, had served their sentence and been released back into society, this person would be able to go before a review board. The board would determine, after seeing the record and actions of the person since their release. the applicant would have to prove that they've been a positive influence on society (by bringing witnesses,letters from employers, friends, church pastors or other personally known figures of authority. if the board decides positively then the applicant would be able to pay their fine and proceed.

9.) Penalties: A: If an applicant is not qualified they would be given a certain amount of time to put their affairs ( sell their house , if one is owned, or other personal property that they may not be able to take back to their home country.) in order. they would then be required to report on a certain date for transportation and deportation.
B: Any person who follows these procedures and ultimately attains full citizenship May lose their Citizenship and be deported. If at any time after receiving citizenship, that person is convicted of a Felony, they would serve their sentence and then be deported.
C: Any person who is legally deported and returns to the U.S. Illegally, would face a minimum 3 year felony sentence, on top of any other charges, if they are caught. this would be for the 1st offence with 3 additional years added for every time that they are caught in the U.S. after that time. I know it seems rather totalitarian, but they would eventually realize that they aren't welcome here and quit trying to come back.( I believe that I covered this in one of my earlier points.)
If implemented this policy would eventually save the U.S. ( that's all of us!) untold amounts of money and put many Americans back to work. Have a nice day and see you on the beach!

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